Village News

Get to know Nakula - Sadewa, Srimulyo's Twin Fleet of Emergency Services

12 Agustus 2021
Dibaca 129 Kali
Get to know Nakula - Sadewa, Srimulyo's Twin Fleet of Emergency Services

Piyungan (Gerbang Madu News),- Public health has an important role in efforts to improve the quality of human resources, reduce poverty and economic development. The Human Development Index puts health as one of the main components of measurement besides education and income. The Village SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals Desa) also put "Healthy and Prosperous Villages" as one of the goals/goals of sustainable village development. For this reason, the Srimulyo Village Government also places health services as one of the priorities in every budget in the APBKal (Kalurahan Revenue and Expenditure Budget).


Considering the importance of having an emergency service fleet in the form of an ambulance as an important part of health services, Srimulyo has even carried out the procurement of the ambulance independently since Fiscal Year 2015 when the financial condition of the village was not as stable as it is today. The condition of the Covid-19 pandemic is also the background for the urgency of adding a fleet for emergency services, so that in the 2021 Fiscal Year, a re-procurement will be carried out so that the total emergency fleet in Srimulyo is 2 (two) units.


Met at Balai Kalurahan Srimulyo, Drs. Wajiran confirms this. "We are currently adding a fleet of 1 (one) standby car which is intended for emergency services related to Covid-19, the fleet is white. While the old unit, which was procured in 2015, continues to operate as before as a public ambulance (non-Covid), its fleet is black. Thus, we hope that emergencies in Kalurahan can be served optimally,” said Wajiran.


To maximize the presence of this ambulance, the Srimulyo Village Government even appointed a special driver as an Honorary Staff of the Village Headquarters who was given a monthly honorarium like other staff in general. This driver is ready on-call 24 hours to serve the community. Residents of the community or Dulur Pintu Madu who need ambulance services/standby cars can contact the following Call Centers: 087881878801 (Public Ambulance/Non-Covid); 081578782522 (Covid Special Standby Car).

(Photo: Inoeng, Contributor: Je)

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