Village News

Village History

09 Agustus 2020
Dibaca 1.157 Kali
Village History

Before it was formed as it is now, Srimulyo Village was originally an area resulting from the merger of 4 (four) Kelurahan namely Bintaran Village, Payak Village, Sandeyan Village and Jolosutro Village. These four kelurahan and the Dusun within them were then merged into Srimulyo Village in 1946. Subsequently, after being merged into Srimulyo Village, the four kelurahan became "Kring" consisting of Kring Bintaran, Kring Payak, Kring Sandeyan, and Kring Jolosutro. Although the division is not standardized by government administration, it is very useful in supporting the operational activities of the Srimulyo Village government because of the close emotional ties of the community members and supported by the adjoining geographical location, the similarity of regional potential and the close social and cultural activities of the community in the scope of one ring.


The Srimulyo Village area is divided into 4 Kring consisting of 22 Dusun covering 119 RT (Neighborhood Pillars), namely:

  • Kring Bintaran (this Kring consists of 4 Dusun namely Kradenan, Cikal, Bintaran Kulon, and Bintaran Wetan)
  • Kring Payak (this Kring consists of 6 Dusun namely Klenggotan, Bangkel, Payak Cilik, Payak Tengah, Payak Wetan„ and Ongopatran)
  • Kring Sandeyan (this Kring consists of 6 Dusun namely Kabregan, Sandeyan, Ngijo, Duwetgentong, Jombor, and Plesedan)
  • Kring Jolosutro (this Kring consists of 6 Dusun namely Jasem, Prayan, Jolosutro, Ngelosari, Kaligatuk, Pandeyan)
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