
09 Agustus 2020
Dibaca 61.458 Kali



There are so many natural resources that have not been explored as superior potential in Srimulyo Village. One of these natural resources is the superior potential in the tourism sector. Management that has not been maximized, facilities and facilities that are not adequate, make this potential as if it lacks selling power in terms of economy and business. The interest of the community and local government can be said to be low to manage it.


But now the situation has reversed. Such a situation was the situation in Srimulyo Village several decades ago, now all of that wealth is starting to be maximized. Recorded in the village profile in 2014, Srimulyo has 7 tourism potentials including Watu Amben, Bukit Bintang, Petilasan Sunan Geseng, Puncak Bucu, Payak Archaeological Site, Song Kamal Cave and Sumur Bandung and Watu Bener.


The massive use of social media among the public, as well as easy internet access, became the starting point for the enthusiasm of Srimulyo tourism. Starting in 2018, we call it the initial milestone for the birth of attractive tourist objects and managed nicely by Pokdarwis Gerbang Madu. Call it the Pasar Kebon Empring, Taman Tempuran Cikal, Gerbang Banyu Langit, Taman Nggirli, Watu Tompak, Pangol Hill, Teratai Biru Kali Opak, Batu Kapal, Gunung Kucing, Gunung Wangi, Bukit Tinatar, and Sendang Hargolawu. The total number of tourism objects in Srimulyo Village is approximately 18 attractions. Of course, the potential is very large to be developed as an economic and business attraction in the tourism industry.


Dulur Gerbang Madu, visit the Srimulyo Tourism page, here

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