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A Comparative Study of Deli Serdang District, North Sumatra Province, in Srimulyo Village

22 September 2022
Dibaca 419 Kali
A Comparative Study of Deli Serdang District, North Sumatra Province, in Srimulyo Village

Piyungan (Gerbang Madu News).  Wednesday (21/09). The government of Srimulyo village was visited by the regental government of Deli Serdang, North Sumatra Province, under the program of comparative study and technical assistance involving 220 participants.  Welcoming the guests, the representatives of the Social and Village Empowerment Office of Bantul Regency, Drs. Kurniantara, M.Si., Chief, secretary, administrative staff, family wellness organizing committee of Srimulyo village, Babinsa (village military agency), Babinkamtibmas (village police agency).

As soon as the guests arrived at the village office, kulintang music performance was played by Bahana Puspa Group to welcome them. Then, the secretary of Srimulyo village, Nurjayanto, S.T., presented the general situation of the village. The guests followed the presentation enthusiastically.

One of Deli Serdang regental government officials taking part in the comparative study expressed that the objective of the study was to share experience and benchmark how the village government carried out the digitally based governance. The visit proved how serious the government of Deli Serdang Regency was in improving their villages. The results of the visit were expected to be implemented in all the villages in Deli Serdang Regency, especially in the 130 villages whose chiefs followed the comparative study.

In response to the speech, Drs. Kurniantara, M.Si., secretary of the Social and Village Empowerment office of Bantul regency, said that Srimulyo was a leading and reliable village in Bantul regency in terms of comparative study from other provinces since it won the first prize of Java-Bali regional village competition and accomplished numerous achievements. 

The chief and secretary of Srimulyo village simultaneously shared how the governance of the village had been carried out so far. The guests, then, visited all the offices of the village staff while discussing relevant topics.

The program was closed at 13.00 Western Indonesian Time. Lunch and entertainment followed. All the programs ran very well and satisfactorily. Most of the guests were impressed by the programs (Photo: Inoeng, Contributor: Imana, Translator: HE).

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