Village News

Distribution of October BLT DD in Srimulyo Village

11 Oktober 2021
Dibaca 689 Kali
Distribution of October BLT DD in Srimulyo Village

Piyungan (Gerbang Madu News), - Government assistance in the form of Village Fund Cash Direct Assistance has been distributed on (6/10/2020). The disbursement of BLT DD stage 10 in Kalurahan Srimulyo for the 7 KK/KPM each person KPM will receive three hundred thousand rupiah (Rp. 300.000,00) cash without any discount.

Head of Srimulyo Village Services Drs. Ismantara said that the distribution of the tenth stage of BLT DD was carried out at 09.00 WIB. "The implementation of the 10th stage of the distribution of BLT DD was carried out this morning with the health protocol. As already, everything went orderly and smoothly. The total number of recipients in Srimulyo Village is 7 KPM. Everything has been channeled to those who are entitled to receive it, in the form of cash and there is no discount at all. Hopefully the funds will be put to good use," he explained.

(Photo : Drs. Ismantara, Contributor: Imana)

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