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The Tobacco Harvest of “Tani Murwat” Jolosutro, Srimulyo, Piyungan, Bantul

26 September 2022
Dibaca 636 Kali
The Tobacco Harvest of “Tani Murwat” Jolosutro, Srimulyo, Piyungan, Bantul

Piyungan (Kabar Gerbang Madu),-  On Thursday (22/09) Srimulyo Village government, represented by Head of Water for Farming Office, Reza Fajar Pratama, S.T., attended the harvest of grompol tobacco cultivated by Tani Murwat farmers group in Jolosutro compound. The activity was officially led by the Head of Provincial Office of Agriculture and Food Security, Yogyakarta Special Province, Ir. Sugeng Purwanto, M.M.A. The ceremony was also attended by the Production Head of Taru Martani Company, Head of BPP Kapanewon Piyungan. The harvest was done in the area of grompol tobacco plantation, Jolosutro compound, at 09.00 Indonesian Western Time.

Tani Murwat farmers group had recently planted that special tobacco in an area of ten acres involving ninety-six local farmers. It was part of the forty acres of tobacco plantation belonging to Bantul farmers in cooperation with Taru Martani Company. The tobacco was ready for its first harvest and then processed further as cigar raw materials in the company’s factory. In total, five districts were involved in the plantation of such tobacco including Dlingo, Pleret, Piyungan, Imogiri dan Pundong.

The development of such a partnership scheme between farmers and industry is an effort to assure the market of local tobacco, especially through direct purchase transactions of wet tobacco by the company in the fields. The effort is expected to improve the motivation of the society, especially the local tobacco farmers, to continue cultivating tobacco plantation without worrying about market uncertainty. The farmers who wish to sell their tobacco in dry-cut products can still continue their business, besides that they have an optional market through the partnership scheme with Taru Martani company, Yogyakarta. (Photo: Inoeng, Contributor: Imana, Translator: HE)

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