Village News

Golden Opportunity Once in 15 Years, Srimulyo Prepares Himself to Host 15 Countries Visits

20 Agustus 2021
Dibaca 176 Kali
Golden Opportunity Once in 15 Years, Srimulyo Prepares Himself to Host 15 Countries Visits

Piyungan (Gerbang Madu News),- CIRDAP or Center on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific (CIRDAP) is an international intergovernmental organization formed in 1979 at the 14th Regional Conference of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) for the Asia Pacific region in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. CIRDAP members come from countries in the Asia-Pacific Region, consisting of 15 countries, namely Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Iran, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam. . The CIRDAP office is based in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

At the end of this year CIRDAP will hold the 36th TC (Technical Committee) which will be held in Indonesia as the host. The good news is for us Srimulyo residents, Srimulyo village was appointed as a place of field study in the International Workshop activity which is one of the agenda items of the activity. In the framework of this preparation, last Friday (13/8) the Srimulyo Village Government held a coordination meeting with relevant stakeholders.

"Of course this is a golden opportunity for Indonesia, including the Srimulyo Village to be able to participate optimally, considering that our country only gets the opportunity to host once every 15 years," said Wajiran, Head of Srimulyo Village.

(Photo: Inoeng, Contributor: Je)

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