Village News

Come on, get acquainted with Kampung Aksara in Srimulyo Village

24 Agustus 2021
Dibaca 124 Kali
Come on, get acquainted with Kampung Aksara in Srimulyo Village

Piyungan (Gerbang Madu News),-

Let's get acquainted with Kampung Aksara, one of the village communities in Payak Cilik-Bintaran Wetan, Kalurahan Srimulyo, which was initiated by a cultural and Javanese script driver, Akhmad Fikri. The establishment of the Aksara Village was motivated by a sense of concern regarding the archipelago's script which was increasingly invisible. Ahmad Fikri, the initiator, was moved because the majority of people who use Javanese cannot read the script. The Javanese-speaking youth also can’t read Javanese script. For him, it is very worrying if young people are not able to read Javanese script. It is possible that this script will be swallowed up by the earth and left in history if there is no effort to preserve it. "Javanese script must be used massively in the realm of social life," said Fikri.


In collaboration with Karang Taruna and local figures, such as the head of the RT, Ahmad Fikri and his colleagues, they have been aggressively decorating the village with Javanese scripts since 2020. The names of the owners of the houses, street signs are written in Javanese letters or script. Not only that, the text of the Friday prayer sermon bulletin is written in Javanese script. “Through such a massive campaign, the Javanese script will be more grounded. People are no stranger if they are fed every day, in quotation marks, the ancestral script,” Fikri added.


Of course, this extraordinary effort is fully supported by the Srimulyo Village Government. Evidently, at the beginning of last year (07/04/2021) the Government of Kalurahan Srimulyo collaborated with Karang Taruna Kalurahan Srimulyo to hold a Java Script Implementation Training on a Digital Platform. This is an effort to get young people interested in learning Javanese script again.


(Photo: TV Collaboration Youtube Account, Design: Inoeng, Contributor: Je)

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