Village News

Distribution of PPKM Rice Aid 2021 in Srimulyo Village

10 Agustus 2021
Dibaca 112 Kali
Distribution of PPKM Rice Aid 2021 in Srimulyo Village

Piyungan (Kabar Gerbang Madu),-

The Srimulyo Village Government together with Bulog and PT Pos Indonesia distributed the 2021 PPKM Rice Aid which was held at Gelora Prapto Raharjo, Srimulyo Village, Piyungan, Bantul on Saturday (7/8/2021).


The targets for the distribution of this rice aid are KPM (Beneficiary Families), PKH (Family Hope Program) and BST (Cash Social Assistance) affected by the 2021 PPKM in Srimulyo Village. The number of KPM who received this rice assistance was 1,322 KPM in Srimulyo Village each 10 kilograms, consisting of PKH recipients of 1044 families and BST recipients of 278 families. The event took place smoothly without any crowds because it was arranged into 13 shifts from 08.00-14.00 WIB.

(Photo: Inoeng, Contributor:Je)

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