Village News

Rembag Kaistimewan BKK Danais with Head of Kalurahan Srimulyo

06 Agustus 2021
Dibaca 105 Kali
Rembag Kaistimewan BKK Danais with Head of Kalurahan Srimulyo

Piyungan (Gerbang Madu News),-

On Thursday (05/08/2021) at 13.30 WIB at the Balai Kepatihan of the Special Region of Yogyakarta, a Podcast Talkshow of Rembag Kaistimewan was held by the Special Committee of the Special Region of Yogyakarta with the resource person, Drs. Noviar Rahmad, M.Si (Head of Satpol PP DIY), KPH. H. Yudanegara, Ph.D (Head of Village Government Development/Kelurahan & Kapanewon/Kemantren Administration Bureau Secretariat DIY), Drs. Wajiran (Head of Kalurahan Srimulyo, Piyungan, Bantul) and Sandro Sandoro (Host).


The event was broadcast live via Paniradya Kaistimewaan's YouTube channel streaming so that it could be watched by the public without having to see it in person. The discussion in the talkshow was about "Financial Aid Privileges in Handling Covid 19".


The discussion in the event also discussed the Citizens' Care which is a requirement in the management of BKK Danais. "The community guard groups are those in each kelurahan at the hamlet level, each community guard group has 25 members," said Drs. Noviar Rahmad, M.Si.


According to the Decree of the Head of the Civil Service Police Unit of the Special Region of Yogyakarta Number 875/04122, there are principles for managing BKK Danais activities, including:


Community Watch Group as a partner in implementing BKK activities in the Kalurahan government

2020 Citizen Guard Group Database

  • BKK Recipients Amounted to 392 Villages/Kalurahan
  • Villages that have not yet formed a Citizen Guard / there is a resident guard, but not all villages receive 50,000,000 (Fifty Million Rupiah).
  • Kalurahan who have formed Jaga residents in all Padukuhan receive 75,000,000 (Seventy Five Million Rupiah)
  • An additional 5,000,000 (Five Million Rupiah) for villages that have a red zone RT for additional food packages.


Entering the main event, the Host also read a question from a special friend, namely the host's greeting for the public who asked during the talk show which was sent via chat on Paniradya Kaistimewan's Youtube Channel during the event." How to keep these residents an example for other regions in the Special Region of Yogyakarta to implement in the context of handling the pandemic? Who is the member of the citizen guard, can someone apply as a volunteer member?” asked Eko Angga Suparno.


Then Drs. Noviar Rahmad, M.Si gave answers related to questions that have been asked in the event. "Very well, that's what we hope for," he explained. Then the event closed with a closing statement related to the BKK privilege fund by all speakers.


"The Danais BKK was launched to each kelurahan, it wasn't in the form of a program, so what program was then funded. So if there is an understanding, for example, I never got a budget from Danais, now this is a wrong understanding because we give it in the form of a program, not in the form of a program." money is more, what program is financed, the first is the second, the use is specifically for handling covid, so at this stage it's only for handling covid," said Drs. Noviar Rahmad, M.Si.


The second is a statement from the FMU. H. Yudanegara, Ph.D "Indeed, in the case of the covid19 pandemic, especially in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, we make sure that the DIY Regional Government is there, yes, through the BKK, maybe from a technical point of view, Mr. Lurah, some things, BKK can also appear in the Village and be used for the community, in principle, we don't hampering but we are actually speeding it up with the provisions that were conveyed by Mr. Kasad, there is a RAB proposal, everything is clear, God willing, in a matter of days, maybe it can be liquidated directly, I will make it to the community, especially in the case of this pandemic," he explained.


For the last statement from the Head of Kalurahan Srimulyo, "The first thing I say is that with regard to taking care of the residents, all residents in the hamlet and in the kelurahan are members of the family, if there are various requirements for managing the residents, they must be at least 20 years old. and has never been sentenced to five years and so on, there are requirements there related to our attitude to deal with the copy 19 pandemic so far, let me invite all village heads in the Yogyakarta area to be calm but remain vigilant because what is the reason for this Covid still exists, "he said. .


The talk show also featured art in the form of Rono Ngigel dance from Gondo Arum Dance Studio and songs from Playlist Band. The event ran smoothly, in an orderly manner and still adhered to health protocols.

(Photo: Paniradya Kaistimewaan, Contributor:Imana)


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